
时间: 08-28 来源: 啊哦网 作者: Anne
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  • Simplify, simplify, simplify. It's one of Thoreau's most enduring witticisms, and with good reason. When faced with the ever-increasing barrage of information that is modern life, many people find solace in minimalism. This trend has taken

    "Simplify, simplify, simplify."It's one of Thoreau's most enduring witticisms, and with good reason. When faced with the ever-increasing barrage of information that is modern life, many people find solace in minimalism. This trend has taken an especially strong hold on the Web.Minimalism and simplification draw attention to important page elements. Using lots and lots of empty space makes content stand out. The overall effect is calming and sophisticated, a welcome break from the typical gauntlet of advertisements and traffic and television and whatever else screams incessantly for your attention.For your inspiration, here are 25 beautiful minimalist designs. Some are charming, some powerful, some stunning, but they’re all linked by the same idea: simplicity, simplicity, simplicity.Miguel Ripoll25个漂亮的简洁网页设计作品26000 Vodka25个漂亮的简洁网页设计作品Weather Flash25个漂亮的简洁网页设计作品FRKT25个漂亮的简洁网页设计作品Cascading Style S--t25个漂亮的简洁网页设计作品



    创建自己的个人作品展示网站可能会是最困难的设计项目。我们总是严苛的要求自己,想要一切都做到完美。看看下面这些个人作品网站,从网站设计和开发(这些,正如预料的那样,完美极了) ,平面设计师(总是多姿多彩,充满活力的)和摄影师,希望可以从总得到


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