
时间: 08-28 来源: 啊哦网 作者: Anne
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  • A sites navigation menu is one of the most prominent things that users see when they first visit. There are many ways to design a navigation menu - and since almost all websites have some form of navigation - designers have to push their c

    A site’s navigation menu is one of the most prominent things that users see when they first visit. There are many ways to design a navigation menu - and since almost all websites have some form of navigation - designers have to push their creative limits to build one that’s remarkable and outstanding.In this article, you’ll find a showcase of beautiful, creative, and stylish navigation menus for your inspiration.1. netdreams.co.uk50个创意独特的导航菜单设计2. Tennessee Vacation50个创意独特的导航菜单设计3. Anderbose50个创意独特的导航菜单设计4. Alpine Meadows50个创意独特的导航菜单设计5. White House50个创意独特的导航菜单设计



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